So today I'm going to go ahead and review This week and last week's curriculum with Abigail. We moved away from creation to our next story, Issac, and this week's story of Jacob and Esau. We focused on letters C and D. One quick thing about this curriculum. I'm using the 3-Year-Old curriculum on Hubbard's Cupboard for Abigail. She's pretty smart, and this age group has lessons for 3 days (but could easily be done in 2-5 days, depending on how much time you want to put into it). If you use this resource, please make sure at least look at all the suggested links. I have found some really great stuff through them that I passed on to J and Jed's teachers.
Last week: Abraham, Sarah, and Issac...and the Letter "C"
Bible Lesson:
This week's lesson was about Abraham, Sarah, and Issac. We talked about what trusting God means. Since my pastor has sent out the article, "Homeschool Blindspots", Joe and I have re-evaluated the way we raise and discipline our children. My children will be brought up in the church, much like I was, but the difference is when my children disobey, they won't just get disciplined, but we will discuss why the behavior is unacceptable. We want to make it about the heart, not the mind. So this lesson was a great one for Abigail, but also for me. Abigail and I discussed the doubts Sarah had versus the faith that was tested in Abraham. Yes, it was a little deep for Abi, but she got the basic point that God always keeps his promises. At the end of the week, we painted our nails a "starry" glitter to represent God's promise to Abraham. Hey, we'll take it anyway we can, right? :)
Science Lesson:
This week's science had to do with emotions. Abigail and I discussed how our faces show different emotions. The curriculum provided a website where there were people's faces and the child has to click on the feelings. We then made a "feelings" book for Abigail. She showed me different feelings on her face, and I took photos to make into a book.
We worked on the letter "C". Since "A" and "B" are in her name, those were decently easy. When we got to "C", though, it took a little work. So we talked about the different things that start with "C", practiced sorting and distinguishing between the first three letters, and then made cookies (not pictured, but I used the recipe from Hungry Girl for oatmeal raisin cookies...YUM!) She then decorated her "C" for presentation.
This week: Jacob and Esau and the letter "D"
Bible Lesson
This week's lesson was a little more difficult to handle. The curriculum called for telling basically the entire story of these two brothers (up to where Jacob left). It was a bit long, so I summarized it. We talked about how we should love each other, and that even if we have a disagreement with someone God can help us get through it. The key verse this week was Luke 1:37 "For nothing is impossible with God." I think the story was a little over the head of my 2 year old, so I had to remember what I learned in my years of teaching, "monitor and adjust". We also talked about doing "D"evotions. She sees Joe and me do one in the morning, and while I'm taking the boys to school, she and Daddy do one together (from a book especially for Dad and Daughter). So while I was cleaning a few hours later, this is what I saw her doing...going through her devotion book. How sweet!
This week's letter was "D". We talked about "D"ebney (our last name) and all kinds of things that start with "D". She decorated her letter "D" with dots! I also had her practice tracing and writing "D". She did a great job! Then she drew a picture for Daddy and, with my help, wrote "DAD" at the top. She was so excited to show him at the end of the day.
Next week's lesson will be featuring the letter "E" and the story of Joseph and his brothers.
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